Home / News / The Greenlove Foundation donates its 27th Water Bottle Filling Station

The Greenlove Foundation donates its 27th Water Bottle Filling Station

Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023

The Greenlove Foundation this week announced that it has donated its 27th water bottle filling station donation to the Father John V. Doyle School in Coventry, Rhode Island, as it continues its mission to help reduce the negative impact of single-use plastic on the environment.

The Greenlove Foundation is a Newport-based environmental non-profit organization. Greenlove was founded in memory of Kendra L. Bowers and aims to educate and inspire people to change their habits to benefit the environment through its educational awareness program and by donating water bottle filling stations to schools, recreational organizations, and parks. Greenlove water bottle filling stations have saved over 1,000,000 bottles from waste.

In a brief ceremony held in May at the Father John V. Doyle School, students and faculty cheered to show their appreciation to the Greenlove Foundation as the school unveiled its water bottle filling station. The ceremony began with a student presentation in honor of Kendra L. Bowers, which focused on her dedication to preserving this "magical, beautiful place" we live in and how every person can make small changes to equal a significant and positive impact on our environment. After the students’ inspirational presentation, Principal Kevin Peloquin led an "Our Father" prayer for Kendra, which was followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Each student received a reusable water bottle as a gift from the school to encourage using the water bottle filling station. Throughout the ceremony, school staff repeatedly expressed the students’ excitement to have a water bottle filling station in their school. Development Manager Jenn Marra served as the school's point of contact.

The school's most recent effort to encourage environmental awareness is the water bottle filling station, which has already saved 900 water bottles from waste. In recent years, its Science Club has addressed water conservation, single-use plastics, and other environmental issues. Plastic waste reduction efforts will continue into the future, as the school has received another grant for a second water bottle filling station to be installed next to the gym.

The Father John V. Doyle School is a private Catholic school located in Coventry, RI. Their mission is "to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition." Their curriculum encourages positive problem-solving and critical thinking skills that include environmental awareness. The school does not sell or provide single-use plastic water bottles to students or faculty.

Greenlove says that it is honored to partner with the well-deserving Father John V. Doyle School as its green journey continues.

For more information on The Greenlove Foundation, visit or their Facebook or Instagram page.


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